Thanks to everyone who participated in our Return of the King event, we now have epic new editions of our T-Rex avatars! The scientific Tyrannosaurus Rex, the GeneTek T-Rex, and the Zombie Rex or “Z-Rex” avatars have all had a Bento update, with flash new tail movements, and a few other upgrades to boot. Read on to find out more and how to get your update.
Now that the GeneTek cyberdrones are gone, we’ve noticed an astonishing upside. Without their interference, our natural T-Rexes are looking livelier than ever! We must have destroyed some sort of long-term meddling and uncovered a truer state of being for the Rexes. Some of them have even grown feathers!
Meanwhile, GeneTek have had to go back to tweaking their existing proprietary T-Rexes, and those are looking better than ever now, too.
EvenĀ the Zombie Rexes that occasionally haunt the witching hour here are looking more lithe. Some sort of sympathetic magic with our core species? Honestly, when it comes to them, who really knows…
To get your update, head to the Update Lab at the in-world store. There, you’ll be able to buy a voucher for your currently-owned species for L$500, which you can redeem for an full updated avatar! Just follow the instructions at the in-world terminal.
Thanks to everyone for their patience with this update system, as we get all of our mesh T-Rex owners onto the same update delivery system at last, and fund the Bento update process so that our favourite classic avatars can reach the same standard as new releases.
We’re already looking forward to making the next update announcements, so stay tuned!
Don’t already own all these avatars? Then head to the in-world store or check out these Marketplace links to grab them now!